You have an amazing new website but how do you get the most out of it?
To further increase your company profile you have the challenge of spreading the word for and bringing in new, qualified traffic. After all, that’s how you will make more sales and increase your customer base. I am going to provide some tried and tested ideas which will help you:
1. Search Engine Optimisation
SEO is the process of increasing your website’s visibility in search engine’s organic results through optimizing your pages with the keyword phrases people are likely to search for. Think about it: when you search for something in Google, do you typically go beyond the first couple pages of results? Probably not, and neither will your potential customers.
Some popular ways to improve organic search results are through editing existing content, increasing the number of backlinks or inbound links (links your website receives from other webpages — which indicates the popularity or importance of your website). This is something you can take time working on.
SEO can be a time-consuming process initially, but it’s an important step towards getting more traffic and grabbing a top spot in search engines for your main keyword phrases. In Creating your website, we will have taken time to think about your content and key words but this is a continual work in progress.
2. Blogging and Guest Blogging
Offering free, original content on your site can help bring new visitors and set you apart from the competition. However, writing for other prominent blogs in your niche, is even more beneficial in generating traffic. By including a link to your website in your biography at the end of your guest post, you can draw in new visitors from a source that likely gets much more traffic than your current blog or website.
3. Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great tool because most people need to be engaged multiple times before they buy. It’s been around for years, and is still one of the strongest ways to engage potential and current customers. Give people a compelling reasons to subscribe (contests, great content, insider information, etc.) and then continually send great content so they don’t unsubscribe. Encourage them to return to your website on a regular basis by showing them what they’ve missed since they last visited — perhaps it’s a new product, blog posts, whitepapers, videos, or something else.
4. Word of mouth
When you’re looking to get a haircut, or a great restaurant, we probably turn to trusted friends, family, or online sources to discover the best rated and reviewed options. These sources are key points for driving traffic for your website, too. Focus on building connections in order to gain positive reviews and word of mouth recommendations.
5. PR
Building your reputation and influence is an important part of driving traffic to your company website. Through public relations strategies, you can brand yourself as an expert in your niche and build your credibility. Doing this can increase your conversion rates and build your brand awareness. For instance, try and get an article written in your local trade magazine or local paper. Is there something unique about your business you can highlight which may make a good read. Plus, when you’re mentioned on a press outlet — a trusted source for many people — they ultimately trust you more. Press releases can also help drive traffic and generate interest in your product or service.